7 Ways to Color Your Hair Without Damaging It

Color Your Hair Without Damaging ItIn a study from the United Kingdom, it was discovered that women typically alter their hairdos around 150 times throughout their lives. No matter how many changes you make, it is probable that Hair Coloring will be involved in the process. It’s not necessary, of course.

Currently, gray hair is trendy, with famous personalities such as Helen Mirren, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Meryl Streep all showcasing their natural silver locks.

However, approximately 65 percent of women change their original hair color, showing a 7 percent rise from the 1950s. We enjoy experimenting with different colors. It brings us joy…until we uncork the bottle and inhale the strong odor. But the problem?

Conventional hair coloring products contain harmful chemicals that can cause –

Skin and respiratory irritation,

Weaken the immune system, and

Possibly lead to cancer when used in high amounts.

The good thing is – there’s more than one way to color your hair without damaging it. We’ll talk about seven of them here. However, if you have a recipe that works for you, do comment below.

1: Use Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice, a classic method that has been utilized for generations, is well-known for its ability to naturally lighten hair and create sun-kissed highlights.

The lemon’s sourness removes hair color permanently, and when it interacts with UV light, it enhances the lightening effect from sun exposure.

The citric acid quickens the bleaching procedure, causing the hair’s pigment to break down and reveal the lighter colors underneath.

To test out the lemon-juice method effectively, spray a generous amount on your hair, comb it through evenly, and sit in sunlight for a minimum of one hour.

It may require several sessions to achieve the desired outcomes. However, remember that the more you subject your hair to citric acid, the more you are damaging it and weakening the outer layer, leading to dry and fragile hair.

2: Coffee 

Drinking coffee to stay awake during the workday or boost your energy in the afternoon can also potentially darken your hair color.

Perfect for pregnant women looking to steer clear of chemicals, individuals wanting a temporary color change, or anyone wanting to cover up their gray hairs, using brewed coffee is a convenient solution.

Prepare one to two cups of dark roast coffee or espresso (choose an organic blend) and combine with about two tablespoons of coffee grounds and one cup of leave-in conditioner. Use the blend on wet, clean hair, allow it to settle for a minimum of an hour, and rinse it off upon completion.

3: Beet Juice 

If you have ever handled beets in any form, you are aware of how quickly their deep red color stains, making beet juice a natural choice for red hair dye. Abundant in natural pigments, it can easily and safely give a temporary deep red color to hair, especially light hair.

If you want to attempt this technique, simply combine beet juice with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, then spread it evenly throughout your hair, and cover it with plastic to let it sit for a minimum of thirty minutes before rinsing.

4: Chamomile Tea 

Chamomile is believed to be more suitable for brunettes than lemon juice as it gradually lightens hair. Even though the sun can enhance the process, it is not necessary because chamomile’s natural flavonoids can also brighten and lighten hair.

Simply make a pot of tea, allow it to steep for about 30 minutes, pour it over freshly cleaned wet hair at least 10 times, and then wait for approximately 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

5: Beer 

Despite being an unlikely option, light beer can be beneficial for lightening hair.

Due to its pH level of approximately four, beer can bleach hair like lemon juice, making it ideal for highlighting already blonde hair.

Just empty a couple of light beer cans into a bowl or bucket, allow it to decarbonate overnight, then simmer in a saucepan to remove excess alcohol that may harm hair.

Once it has cooled down, submerge your hair in the mixture or apply it with a spray bottle, then allow the sun to work its magic for a minimum of one hour before washing it off.

Take into consideration that this method could result in your hair having a similar smell to that of a fraternity house, so make sure to prepare accordingly.

6: Henna Powder 

Henna, a powdered form of the leaves of the henna plant, is a highly favored natural hair dye ingredient. This natural and effective coloring pigment found in these leaves has been utilized for millennia to color hair, nails, and skin.

Pure henna results in a red-orange hue, so if you come across henna products in different colors, know that additional ingredients were mixed in by the manufacturers to achieve those hues.

Individuals with red or brown hair hues seeking a touch of auburn are most suitable for henna hair coloring. Exercise caution as the outcome may turn out to be too orange, consider adding a small amount of chamomile to the mixture to tone down the color.

Combine 2 cups of lemon juice with around one cup of henna powder to create your own henna hair dye. You may also include a tablespoon of vinegar to assist in bringing out the color. Let it sit for approximately 4-6 hours until it becomes thicker.

Use on hair and run a comb through. (This is chaotic so get ready!) Cover your hair with plastic wrap and leave it on for 2-3 hours before washing it off.

7: Walnut Shells 

If you desire a rich dark brown shade, this is the way to naturally dye your hair. Grind the walnut shells and simmer for around 30 minutes. Chill, filter, and put on hair.

If you want to hide gray hair, you can use a cotton ball to apply the product specifically to those areas that require coverage.

Once more, exercise caution since this dye has the potential to discolor everything, therefore, be proactive. To make a stronger dye, heat the strained juice again and let it boil until it reduces to approximately one-fourth of the original amount.

Let it cool in the fridge, strain, if necessary, then pour over hair. Or, if you want to save time, opt for walnut powder over the shells.

Allow to sit for a minimum of one hour (or longer for a deeper hue) before rinsing. Attempt to steer clear of extremely warm water since it has the potential to fade the color. Use warm water when washing to preserve the color for a longer time.

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